Accreditation of our calibration laboratory


Re-accreditation process was succesfully completed as per EN ISO/IEC 17025:2018.

We have extended list of accredited procedures for length measuring machines, profile projectors, microscopes and other systems equipped by linear measuring system using laser interferometer.


Please download accreditation certificate and it¶ attachment in the section "Download".



The scope of torque has been extented by a range from 0,020Nm up to 1000Nm. At the same time the procedure for the accredited calibration of rotation sensors withe the intention of calibrating rotary andgle and torque sensors was accredited.


During the course of surveillance audit of the calibration laboratory, procedures for accredited calibration of force gauges, force measuring devices, testing machines and presses in the range of up to 10kN were supplemented.



The scope of accreditted procedures expanded for field of plane angle and mechanical movement and vibrations.



Since October 2018 we expanded our scope of accredited calibration in torque where we can offer calibration of torque sensors and calibration devices with traceability to new high accurate standards consists of reference torque wrenches, torque arms and precise weights it total range 0,05Nm to 1.000Nm.


New laboratory equipment SPEKTRA CS18MF for measurement of vibration speed and velocity was installed into our laboratory. This laboratory precise equipment enables us to provide precise measurement of vibration sensors sensibility, calibration or vibrometers and vibration calibrators. Please see technical specification via the following link: SPEKTRA CS18 MF TDS